Sunday 23 September 2012

Show and Tell and EL Oral

Dear Parents,

1) Pupils will be doing their Show and Tell in Week 3. The topic is "An Outing". They can bring a related object, picture, photograph etc to show the class. Do remind your child to speak loudly and clearly with eye contact with the audience. ( You can refer to the handout given out this week. )

2) EL Oral is in the format of a picture book. Pupils will read the title, writer, illustrator and they will describe what they see on the cover page. As the pupil reads, he/she will be asked to make predictions (eg "What do you think will happen next?" , "What do you think will happen to the sick kitten?" etc). Pupils will be asked to describe the pictures before reading. Not to worry, pupils have been doing this all the while. During the reading of HM stories or one-to-one reading, pupils have actually been practising this for Oral :)


Mrs Lee

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